Statistical Data

School Scores and Reports

STAR - Standardized Testing and Reporting Program:   The purpose of the CSTs (California Standards Tests) is to determine students’ achievement of the California Content Standards for each grade or course. Students’ scores are compared to preset criteria to determine if the students’ performance on the test is advanced, proficient, basic, below basic, or far below basic. The state target is for all students to score at the proficient and advanced levels.


STAR Test Results              

API – Academic Performance Index:   The purpose of the California Academic Performance Index (API) is to measure the academic performance and growth of schools. It is a numeric index (or scale) that ranges from a low of 200 to a high of 1000. A school's score on the API is an indicator of a school's performance level. The statewide API performance target for all schools is 800. A school's growth is measured by how well it is moving toward or past that goal. A school's API Base is subtracted from its API Growth to determine how much the school improved in a year.

Academic Performance Index (API) Report

AYP - Adequate Yearly Progress:   The federal government, based on No Child Left Behind guidelines, requires each state to ensure that all schools and districts make Adequate Yearly Progress based on assessments included in the statewide accountability system.

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Report

SARC – School Accountability Report Cards:   Provided are links to a series of accountability reports about the state of our school for the school year(s) listed. Under California law, as well as the No Child Left Behind Act, school districts must distribute a report card to show how every school and the district as a whole are performing. This report also must include data on how different groups of students are doing. The school reports tell you how your child’s school is doing compared to last year and to other schools.